In the first part of this series, we looked at some evidence that give a whole new sense of direction to our idea of what the origins of the Covid-19 virus is.
As we continue in our journey to uncover the truth, we take a tour in this second part of the science and the politics of it. We will try to answer two questions:
1. Is the Virus is engineered? And if it was, for what reason?
2. Why it took us this long to uncover these truths.
The entire covid-19 origins saga somewhat reminds me of award-winning novella by George Orwell, Animal Farm. Though all mistreated and subjected to hard labor and even though they all sought freedom and independence, yet how each animal perceived the better path to their goals differ from person to person. The utter irony of starting from the same place, wanting to end at the same goal but yet finding many different parallel universes- all products of our tendencies to make many different choices- between those two points. When applied to Humanity, it is excruciatingly tough to behold what more acknowledge; Humanity is the dynamite of humanity.
Bats Cannot be Infected
Dr. Nikolai Petrovsky is a professor and Director of Endocrinology at Flinders Medical Centre. He is also a Coronavirus Vaccine Developer. Dr Nikolai an interview with Australian Journalist and Author of What Really Happened At Wuhan, Sharri Markson about the makeup of the covid-19 virus asks a mind bulging question;
‘Where did the changes of adaptability to humans occur.’
This was the same question he asked himself has he studied the mechanism of action of the SARS-COV-2 and discovers that it also seems that the virus isn’t a product of evolution instead it almost as if it was engineered to be effective against human physiology.
The general notion popularized by the Chinese government is that the novel Human SARSCOV-2 was transmitted to humans from bats sold at the animal market in Wuhan, China. This seemed very reasonable, and it had the backing of many scientists and even the WHO for a time, up until Dr Nikolai found out that bats could not be infected by the virus.
That makes us ask, how can bats transmit a virus they can’t be infected by?
As he researched further, he came to realize that SARS-COV-2 seemed to be tailor made to infect humans. Almost like it was crated to infect only people. Its closest cousin, BAT virus RATG13 was found to be only 96.3% similar.
The Institute Reluctance
The Chinese Government has also refused to allow full investigations to be done in the Wuhan Institute of Virology since the start of the pandemic. Making it more suspicious that maybe they do have something to hide. Foreign intervention has proven ineffective has they refuse to give eternal or international investigators full access to the institute’s facilities for investigations.
WIV’s Corona Reputation
The Wuhan Institute has been working on corona virus for decades now. Evidence proves that they had been gain of function experiments in which the try to alter and possibly weaponize corona viruses. Many of these experiments also seem to have been approved and funded by the US government. Furthermore, Sharri claims that certain anonymous sources have confirmed to her that the Chinese military had oversight over the gain of function experiments.
According to A US intelligence report, we have found that several researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in November 2019. Report say that the researchers presented with Covid-19 like symptoms and had to be hospitalized. However, details concerning the severity of their symptoms, or the identity of the research remains inaccessible.
Since there was so much evidence that seemed to support the possibility of a lab leak, why then are we just almost two years into the pandemic?
Well for one we know that there seemed to be a united front on the end of medical journals to not allow publications that suggested that the virus was engineered nor that it was accidently or intentionally released as Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6 reveals.
He together with a group of scientists tried to submit a paper supporting the claims of the lab leak theory to several notable medical journals such as Nature, Science, ScienceNOW, Journal of Medical Virology. Other scientist including Dr Nikolai also complain that their papers we rejected by every medical journal even though he excitedly submitted prove of a truth that was literally staring them in the face.
We don’t know for sure. It could be for the same reasons that social media platforms were putting down any post relate to the exact same notion
Furthermore, many scientists did not want to be seen supporting Donald Trump who at that time was a really pushing that more intense probes be done into the claims of the lab leak theory. No scientist wanted to be tied up in the politics
Unfortunately, in a bid to escape being caught in political side many scientists might have chosen to exchange convenience from facts, and if the lab leak theory holds, then this will have been a very costly choice.