The Little Red Hen
and the Grain of Wheat
Edited By Olive Beaupre Miller
HE Little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chicks looking for something to eat.
She found some grains of wheat and she said:
‘Cut, cut, cut, cudawcut!
These grains of wheat I’ll sow;
The rain and warm spring sunshine will surely make them grow.
Now who will help me sow the wheat?’’
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Mouse.
“Not I,” said the Pig.
“Then I’ll sow it myself,” said Little Red Hen. And she did.
When the grain had grown up tall and was ready to cut,
Little Red Hen said: “Cut, cut, cut, cut cudawcut!,
I’ll cut, cut, cut this grain;
It’s nodding ripe and golden, From days of sun and rain.
Now who will help me cut the wheat?”
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Mouse.
“Not I,” said the Pig.
“Then Til cut it myself/1 said Little Red Hen
And she did.
When the wheat was cut,
Little Red Hen said: “Cut, cut, cut, cudawcut!
It’s time to thresh the wheat;
Each little grain so precious
From out the chaff I’ll beat.
Now who will help me thresh the wheat?”
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Mouse.
“Not I,” said the Pig.
“Then it thresh it myself,” said Little Red Hen*
And she did.
When the wheat was threshed, Little Red Hen said:
“See where the windmill’s great, long arms Go whirling round and round!
I’ll take this grain straight to the mill;
To flour it shall be ground.”
“Cluck! Cluck! Who’ll help me carry the grain to the mill?”
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Mouse.
“Not I,” said the Pig.
“Then I’ll carry it myself,” said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
When the wheat was ground,
Little Red Hen said:“I’ve sowed and reaped and threshed, cluck, cluck!
I’ve carried to the mill,
And now I’ll bake a loaf of bread,
With greatest care and skill.
Who’ll help me bake the bread?”
“Not I,” said the Duck.
“Not I,” said the Mouse.
“Not I/’ said the Pig.
“Then HI bake it myself,” said Little Red Hen.
And she did. .
When the bread was baked, Little Red Hen said:
“Cluck, cluck! Cluck, cluck!
The bread is done,
It’s light and sweet,
Now who will come And help me eat
“I will” quacked the Duck.
“I will ” squeaked the Mouse.
“I will” grunted the Pig.
“No, you won’t!” said Little Red Hen. “HI do it my¬self. Cluck! Cluck! My chicks! I earned this bread for you! Eat it up! Eat it up!”
And they did.
To be continued…