Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) is proposing that Chinese students be limited to studying the humanities and be barred from living in America for the purpose of gaining advanced scientific and technological degrees from U.S. universities.
“It is a scandal to me that we have trained so many of the Chinese Communist Party’s brightest minds to go back to China to compete for our jobs, to take our business, and ultimately to steal our property and design weapons and other devices that can be used against the American people,” said Cotton, in an interview with Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News.
Cotton’s suggestions are some of the latest calls for retribution against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for mismanagement of the COVID-19 outbreak, and continued cover-up of China’s true case count and death toll.
“All the way back in January, it was pretty well documented by Chinese scientists that it did not originate in the food market,” says Cotton, who is sure the virus came from the two super-labs in Wuhan.
“But wherever it originated,” he says, “we know the Chinese Communist Party was both criminally negligent and incompetent at first, and then deliberately, deliberately malevolent in the way they responded to this virus–for their own people and the world.”
President Trump announced earlier this month that the U.S. would suspend funding for the World Health Organization, over claims that it deferred to Chinese authorities while dealing with the pandemic.
As one example, although human to human transmission was known back in December 2019, the WHO continued to announce for several months that there was no evidence of such transmission, following along with the CCP’s cover-up.
When Chinese doctors tried to blow the whistle as medical personnel were getting infected, China’s secret police began turning up on doctors’ doorsteps in the early hours of the morning, threatening them to keep quiet.
“That allowed millions of people to leave Wuhan and finally, China continued to pressure the WHO and other countries not to stop international travel from China,” says Cotton. “That meant that hundreds of thousands of persons left China after this virus was spread far outside of Wuhan, which allowed the virus to escape China’s borders and get to the United States, and get to Europe–and get to essentially every country in the world.”
Cotton believes the CCP acted deliberately and consciously. Seeing how contagious and deadly the outbreak was at the onset, China wasn’t willing to be the only country to suffer economic havoc, while the rest of the world–especially the U.S.–prospered.
In the first quarter of this year, China suffered their first economic contraction since the Cultural Revolution ended in the late 70’s. Worldwide economic impact was inevitable, with so many countries outsourcing manufacturing to China, but it certainly was not inevitable for America to lose 26-million jobs in one month.
Experts say, if the CCP had been honest and upfront from the beginning, and accepted international scientific help, even within China, cases could have been avoided by as much as 65 – 90%.
Moreover, Cotton suspects the CCP is now stealing the research being done by U.S. labs and life science companies on therapeutic drugs and ultimately a vaccine for the coronavirus.
“The Chinese Communist Party has been stealing America’s intellectual property for decades and they’re not going to magically stop in the middle of a pandemic,” he said. “Because of course, they want to be the country that claims credit for finding those drugs or finding a vaccine, and then use it as leverage against the rest of the world.”
With so many of America’s basic drugs currently being made in China, it’s crucial to bring drug manufacturing back to the United States, not only for safety but to provide more jobs, and ultimately, for Americans to not have to rely on China.
“I’m skeptical of any promises made by any communist, and the Chinese communists don’t have a very good record of keeping their promises,” concluded Cotton, when asked whether he thinks China will uphold their promises to President Trump in the phase one trade deal.
All the while, China is, even now, taking aggressive action in the South China Sea to break its commitments–cracking down on Hong Kong in violation of its promises to Great Britain–and taking advantage, in any way they can, of the current pandemic.
The newest incidence is of China buying up most of the cut-rate meat from the U.S. as a lot of America’s biggest processing plants are forced offline. There are concerns that supplies and grocery stores will be hit hard, causing meat prices to go up considerably in the coming weeks.
“Just another example of the way they’re (CCP) trying to take advantage of this crisis,” says Cotton. “They’re not resting on their laurels, they’re not breathing a sigh of relief, they’re trying to advance their interest and ambitions all around the world.”
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