While preparing to fresco the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, Italian artist Michelangelo created hundreds—possibly thousands—of small sketches to work out the design. He destroyed many of those preliminary drawings—which were never intended for public view—before his death in 1564. Less
Do you ever walk past the windows of Tiffany’s or Armani just to drool over what’s behind those windows? Well, unless you’ve got $30 million burning a whole in your pocket and you want to spend it on books,
A song from the 14th century, the author of which is the composer and poet Guillaume de Machaut, a representative of the ars nova style, and the secretary of the Czech King John of Luxembourg. Lyrics: Je vivroie liement
Until the late eleventh century, southern Italy occupied the western border of the vast Byzantine empire. Even after this area fell under Norman rule in about 1071, Italy maintained a strong link with Byzantium through trade, and this link
Often considered one of the early pioneers of the Italian Renaissance, Cimabue’s life, work, and influence continues to be misrepresented or, perhaps, misunderstood. Historically Cimabue has been overshadowed by his pupil Giotto, a narrative which was promoted by Renaissance
Metamorphosis represents profound change and transformation. It is so important in the life of an artist. As an artist grows, he experiences shifts in perspectives, behaviors, and attitudes. In addition, major life experiences, such as overcoming challenges or achieving
Bernardino de’ Conti may not be a household name today, but he was ranked among the most important artists in Leonardo da Vinci’s circle in 16th-century Milan. This side-profile portrait was even attributed to Leonardo himself when it was
Woo Chong Yung 吳仲熊 (1898–1989), also known in the United States as C.Y. Woo, was a highly accomplished painter, calligrapher, and poet from Shanghai. From the 1920s to 1949, Woo was at the center of China’s cultural world, recognized
Botanical name: Tilia cordata, T. americana, T. x europaea and several other species Family: Malvaceae Parts used: mainly flowers (including bracts), buds, and leaves; bark and sap are also used Energetics: cooling, moistening Taste: sweet Plant preparations: nourishing infusion,