Why Loneliness Is a Voluntary Condition
There are times in our lives when it seems that loneliness is thrust upon us. As kids, moving into a new school district and/or neighborhood. As young adults, starting out with college life or finding employment. The death of important family members can contribute to a sense of less connection. Stages of life: divorce, retirement, […]
Treat Every Child as an Individual
A mother asks what she should say to her 9-year-old daughter who complained, after being chided for bad behavior, that her brother does not suff er the same reproach. This is a worry for many parents; should they treat all their children the same? No! Of course not. Each child is unique with a differing […]
Make Kids Responsible for Their Own Choices
Many parents have a heck of a time trying to figure out how to make their kids do chores, brush their teeth, finish homework, stay off social media, help around the house, and so on. They try arguing, threats, punishments, begging, yelling, and any other strong-arm technique they can think of. Most of the time […]