When the Rain starts to fall, this colorful drain and gutter system in the Neustadt Kunsthofpassage turns into a charming musical instrument.
The “Courtyard of Elements” is one of the strangest and most enjoyable attractions in Dresden’s student district in the new town. It’s part of the Kunsthofpassage series of courtyards, which is an art experiment by the tenants of the apartment buildings on which the works are installed. Created by sculptor Annette Paul and designers Christoph Rossner and Andre Tempel, this piece was inspired by Rube Goldberg Machine, converting the mere patter of rainfall into a spectacular orchestral symphony.
The other installations in the Kunsthofpassage project include Hof des Lichts, or “Courtyard of Light,” Hof der Tiere, “Courtyard of Animals,” and Hof der Metamorphosen, “Courtyard of the Metamorphoses.”