Botanical name: Tilia cordata, T. americana, T. x europaea and several other species
Family: Malvaceae
Parts used: mainly flowers (including bracts), buds, and leaves; bark and sap are also used
Energetics: cooling, moistening
Taste: sweet
Plant preparations: nourishing infusion, food, tea, tincture, bath herb
Linden (or Tilia) is a genus of about thirty species of trees native throughout most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. In the European lands they are commonly called lime trees, although they are not closely related to the tree that produces the lime fruit.
Linden is a type of large tree that belongs to the mallow family. Linden grows on a fertile, well-drained soil. It equally good thrives in sunny areas and in the partial shade. Linden tolerates low temperatures during the winter and drought during the summer. Mid-June is linden tree time. It’s the time when these lovely trees go to flower with their sweet scent. You can almost always smell that a linden is nearby before actually seeing it with your eyes.
Linden trees typically have a lifespan of a few hundred years, but there are some lindens across the world that are believed to be more than a thousand years old!
In mythology and symbolism lindens have long been associated with love, fertility, peace and healing. In Greek mythology, they were the tree of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty; in Roman, Norse and Germanic cultures, they symbolized marital love and fidelity. The tree was said to be special to Freya—the Norse goddess of love and fertility— and Frigg— the goddess of love and marriage.
It was believed that you could not tell a lie under the linden tree. Large linden trees were places of social gathering and weddings, as well as places to assemble to create laws and render judicial verdicts.
Linden trees have soft, easy-to-work wood. Germanic tribes have used linden wood historically for making shields, while in the Middle ages, it was the material of choice for sculpting and marionette carving. It continues to be used today for furniture building, model building and making musical instruments.
Once soaked, the bark turns into a strong, durable fiber. Historically, the fibers have been used by the Ainu people of Japan to make clothing. Fibers have also been found during archaeological digs in Britain, suggesting bronze age people utilized it for much the same purpose.
With its heart shaped leaves and fragrant flowers, linden is a beautiful tree often found on city blocks. While most people value linden trees for their beauty and shade, herbalists know that linden flowers also offer many healing gifts.
When working medicinally with linden, it’s the flowers and the bract that are used. Medicinally, linden flowers can be harvested and dried for use in tea, infused into honey, or made into a tincture. Linden flowers have a relaxing and restorative effect on the nervous system, and combined with anti-inflammatory and diuretic qualities, make this a good ally for the heart. The relaxation effect and ability to gently promote perspiration also makes linden a popular herb when coping with cold and flu symptoms as well. Linden is a wonderfully calming herb. It’s great for anxiety and to help ease into restful sleep.
The heart-shaped leaf of the linden tree gives a good idea of what it is good for both emotionally, medically and energetically. It can lift us up or “gladden the heart” emotionally as well as benefitting the physical heart as well.
I also think of linden for people who have difficulty sleeping due to excessive tension. Do you have a restless child who isn’t interested in bedtime. Besides taking it internally as a tea, it can also be applied externally as a poultice or used as a bath herb. Linden leaves and flowers can be pounded into a flour that can be mixed with other flours (such as wheat) to make baked goods. This was commonly done in Europe during World War II when food was scarce. The leaves are especially high in protein.
Linden is one of the ingredients of my own special ”tea of happiness” that will bring you peaceful nights, joyful awakenings and happy days, if you will take it regularly.
Enjoy the wonders of nature!