To mark the festive season, the Queen of England reminded the world of the importance of upholding traditional values in today’s hectic lifestyle.
Queen Elizabeth II believes observing one’s cultural heritage never grows old.
“Peace on Earth and goodwill to all is never out of date,” Her Majesty said in a video posted on YouTube. “It can be heeded by everyone. It is needed as much as ever.”
The Queen explained how other cultures recognize the wisdom of elders, and how this provides younger generations with an important moral compass towards a more righteous living.
“Perhaps part of that wisdom is to recognize some of life’s baffling paradoxes, such as how human beings have a huge propensity for good and yet a capacity for evil,” she said.
The year 2018 will be remembered as a year of anniversaries, and a reminder of the many armed force personnel who lost their lives in the line of duty.
“The Royal Air Force celebrated its 100th anniversary with a memorable fly past, demonstrating thrilling unity of purpose and execution. We owe them and all our armed services our deepest gratitude,” the Queen said.
The Queen shared her own miraculous story of her father surviving World War One.
“He was a mid-shipman in the HMS Collingwood at the battle of Jutland in 1916. The British fleet lost 14 ships and 6000 men in that engagement,” she said. “My father wrote in a letter: ‘how and why we were not hit beats me.’ Like others he lost friends in the war.”
In the most difficult of times family has brought a sense of comfort to the Queen.
“Through the many changes I have seen over the years faith, family, and friendship have been not only a constant for me but a source of personal comfort and reassurance,” she said.
Following in her father’s footsteps, the Queen still promotes respect and understanding across the entire Commonwealth of Nations, which encompass a total of 53 countries and 2.4 billion people–a third of the world’s population.
“Treating the other person with respect, and as a fellow human being, is always a good first step towards greater understanding,” she said. “Indeed the Commonwealth Games held on Australia’s Gold Coast are known universally as the friendly games because of that emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.”
By Richard Szabo